Casino News

Gateway Casinos Continue with Full-Time, Part-Time Staff Cuts in Alberta

Grand Villa Casino is among the gaming hotspots in the Edmonton’s area, attracting individuals on a regular basis. Now it has been confirmed that the gaming location is about to lay off some 50 full-time unionized workers in addition to an undisclosed number of non-unionized workers.

In addition to that, the casino venue would also bring changes to its working schedule and reduce it, as United Food and Commercial Workers Local 401 communications representative Michael Hughes confirmed.

Alberta’s gaming field is about to join the recent turmoil within Ontario’s casino scene and staff layoffs. According to the official announcement by the labor union, staff cuts are about to take place at the Edmonton casino complex.

This move follows a similar pattern Gateway Casinos and Entertainment introduced earlier this summer at Casino Rama. More than 100 individuals were laid off there, stirring the pot in Ontario.

Casino Staff Cuts Surpass 50 Workers

Up until now, Grand Villa Casino had some 83 full-time employees taking care of the facility and making sure that casino patrons have everything they need for a pleasant casino experience. Now that number is going to be reduced to only 33 full-time workers keeping the casino venue afloat.

In addition to those, about 60 part-time individuals would also have to make their way out. These numbers concerned unionized workers solely, as it was confirmed by the labor union representing them. United Food and Commercial Workers Local 401 protects their rights and sees for their interest.

However, there are many non-unionized casino staff members that would also have to be laid off, but their number remains undisclosed. Workers were not prepared for the massive layoffs taking place anytime soon.

Many of them stated that they were blindsided by the decision, as they were working on new contracts for employment only a couple of month earlier. People expressed their disappointment with the casino operator that built the casino venue in 2016. Some CA$32 million was invested in the casino complex back then and projections were high.

Working Hours Reduction

In order to meet the expectations of a diverse crowd, the Edmonton casino replacing Baccarat Casino offers both gaming and family-friendly offerings. They include 600 slot machines, 28 table games, a central bar, a high-end fish and steak restaurant, a pub and eatery, as well as four fast-food restaurants. Live entertainment events were projected to make the area even more attractive to both locals and people from neighboring communities.

The casino operator made it clear that economic factors have prompted working hours reduction that would see the days Thursday through Sunday welcome casino patrons between 12 p.m. and 1 a.m. Prior to the changes, the casino venue worked from 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. all week long. Gateway Casinos Public Relations Director Tanya Gabara clarified that ongoing downtown projects have made it more complicated for many players to make their way to the casino venue.

Earlier this summer, Gateway Casinos announced major staff reduction at Casino Rama in Ontario. The largest tribal casino resort in Ontario had some 70 unionized workers exit the casino staff for good as part of a staff reduction process. The reduction wave has been estimated to reach some 150 individuals laid off including non-unionized workers.