Casino News

Canada One Step Closer To Single-Event Wagering

Canada is on the brink of a gambling revolution after the latest news that the bill allowing single-game wagering has been approved in the House of Commons vote. The introduction of such betting options is considered long-awaited since Canadians lacked the option for years causing some players to travel to US territories only to bet on popular single events such as the Super Bowl.

Such change is believed to be of great impact on the Canadian gambling industry, allowing casino operators a brand-new field of offerings and improving their current portfolios of betting options. The bill has been officially passed at the House of Commons vote but it is yet to be approved by the next step in the legal hierarchy ā€“ the Senate.

Gambling Expansion

The proposal of the introduction of single-event betting or also legally known as Bill C-218 has passed the vote of the House of Commons on Wednesday paving way for major changes in the Canadian gaming industry. However, work is not finished and the bill is yet to be approved by the Senate. If approved the bill will cause alterations to the criminal code for single-event sports betting.

Paul Burns, President, and CEO of the Canadian Gaming Association shared his opinion on the matter after the all-party support of the bill. He also congratulated Kevin Waugh for his efforts and succeeding to get the bill to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights for reassessment. Mr. Waugh introduced the bill on November 25 and was the reason for the rising demand for its legalization.

The House of Commons will also vote on Bill C-13 which is a federal government bill that is also in support of single-game wagering. The legalization of such betting options will provide provincial gaming regulators and casinos with the opportunity of competitive markets similar to those of Canadaā€™s south neighbors. According to reports, the said-introduction will be able to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue.

Despite the huge support it received, there are more obstacles for the bill, with pending approval from the Senate. Most Canadians surely remember a similar bill in 2021 which also was green-lighted by the House, but it was later rejected by the Senate. However, all sides are more positive that the bill will be accepted now, and Canadians will finally be able to place bets on single sporting events.

Albertaā€™s Stance

Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis joined in on the support of the proposed bill of legalization of single-game option wagering. According to the gambling regulator responsible for the Alberta province, this bill will generate significant revenue for the state which can later be of good use to local projects and communities. This will also provide players with a safer and more responsible gambling environment.

BCLCā€™s Support

The British Columbia Lottery Corporation is another of the billā€™s supporters. The crown agency even urged authorities to make the step and legalize single sports betting. According to the corporationā€™s calculations, this proposed change in gambling rules will be able to generate an additional amount of at least CA$125 million in revenue. This will also allow the company to attract more players who are pouring millions of dollars into offshore websites, instead of the countryā€™s economy.