Industry Reports

Greater Sudbury City Councilors Prefer KED

Kingsway Entertainment District is still held back by the legal battle going back and forth, but the Greater Sudbury City Council recently heard an alternative approach to the situation. 3rdLine Studio shed more light on its plans to redevelop the Sudbury Community Area, as a more affordable project that could bring more benefits to the city coffers down the road.

The Project Now team eyes the saving of about CA$40 million if the city decides to pursue this project, instead of Kingsway Entertainment District. Moreover, the team also made it clear that the construction of this alternative project could commence right away, whereas the legal battle is still in progress and there is no timeline for KED.

Project Now

Ward 1 Coun. Mark Signoretti and Ward 4 Coun. Geoff McCausland have previously made known their opposition to the entertainment zone on The Kingsway. They were the councilors introducing a membersā€™ motion at the beginning of September, aiming to shed more light on the so-called Project Now and the benefits Greater Sudbury could see with it.

The two councilors wanted more eyes to see the project and to evaluate the situation so that the team behind it could know whether it is a viable option for the community area. It should be taken into account that the City Council has already worked on the KED project, approving bylaws and zoning amendments, worked with the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal welcoming all appeals, worked on the legal battle against the project, and more.

At this point in the conversation, the community has expressed its position and local businessmen, such as Tom Fortin, one of the main opponents of Kingsway Entertainment District has taken matters to the Superior Court. He claims in his filings that the City Council has shown prejudice when giving a green light to the bylaws related to the entertainment zone. The first days of September saw the ruling scrapping all of Mr. Fortinā€™s claims.

Kingsway Entertainment District

His lawyer Gordon Petch begged to differ and recently filed an appeal of this ruling. Upcoming weeks are expected to see more development on the subject. Councillors Robert Kirwan, Mike Jakubo, Al Sizer, and Bill Leduc remain confident that Greater Sudbury needs Kingsway Entertainment District and this is the way to go.

Once the presentation of the project was over, some of the council members pointed out that the renovation of the downtown area will be a positive project, but the entertainment zone is of priority right now. Coun. Kirwan said that the city would have to choose between the two projects and pulling out of Kingsway Entertainment District is not an option.

He pointed out that the gaming revenue Gateway Casinos could amass is essential. The CA$100-million Kingsway Entertainment District is projected to bring a casino venue and a hotel adjacent to it projected to boost the city coffers. Mr. Kirwan also stated that building the entertainment zone on The Kingsway will end up saving money for the community.