Casino News

New Woodbine Racetrack GO Station Could Draw Up to 14,700 Daily Commuters

The grand announcement of a new GO station in the vicinity of Woodbine Racetrack was issued in front of an eager crowd, and it appears that individuals from near and far were also interested to find out more about the future development. Transportation Minister Jeff Yurek was joined by Metrolinx representatives in order to make it clear that this new addition to the transportation offerings in Toronto is going to be a gift guaranteed by Woodbine Entertainment.

The brand new station is going to cost some CA$75 million to the gaming company and taxpayers are not going to pay anything in order to see this project become reality and impact their daily lives. The overall tally could reach CA$90 million in the process of construction, but for the time being no particular timeframe could be issued, as the project is still in its initial phases. Ontario Government has partnered in close collaboration with Metrolinx and the gaming company overseeing the racecourse seeking optimal results.

GO Station Could Cost Some CA$90 Million

The project was hinted at the end of November 2018 and ever since the conversation has been ongoing and seeking more details. Minister Yurek stated that the collaboration seeks to offer the most cost-friendly solution to locals which is why the community is not going to pay anything for the new station. The benefits for the region are more than tempting, however, as projections are promising.

The new GO station is going to introduce new jobs to the region both during the construction period and following this initial phase. What should also be considered is that this is only the first step of a more global plan, that would include the creation of an entire community. The Government is willing to build a community with brand new housing offerings. In this sense, the construction of a new station would be beneficial for its future development.

Access is going to be facilitated, which is expected to make the area even more attractive for individuals. Entertainment possibilities should also be taken into account, as Woodbine Racetrack has always been able to attract players with its live horse racing dates and diverse gaming options. April 2018 also saw the location receive permission to add even more to its offerings and bring casino venue, a hotel and an entertainment complex to the area.

More People Expected to Make Their Way There

Jim Lawson, Chief Executive Officer of Woodbine Entertainment stated that one of the main goals of this project is to make the track even more appealing to individuals from the Greater Toronto Area. All parties involved in the project are seeking benefits, but at the end of the day, people are expected to reap most of them. Construction work west of Highway 27 is expected to commence in the foreseeable future.

This new station is going to effectively replace the Etobicoke North one which will be removed once the new one is finished and launches operation. Some 790 parking spots will facilitate peopleā€™s transportation to and fro the new station. Estimations show that the new operation could draw as many as 14,700 daily commuters using it on their way to work and back home. Back in November, it was pointed out that the project would be seeking to utilize the private sectorā€™s full potential.