Industry Reports

Close-Knit Family Collectively Bags Quebec’s Record CA$70m Jackpot

Sometimes life could take an unexpected turn and take an entirely new direction as a result of a simple decision such as the purchase of a lottery ticket. This could be confirmed by the recent winner of the CA$70,000,000 Lotto MAX Main prize hailing from Quebec. Gregory Mathieu welcomed Friday as a special day that brought him and his family closer to the coveted prize.

They made their way to Quebec City for the special ceremony organized by Loto-Québec. The 22-year-old winner was joined by his family for the special moment when he laid hands on the coveted cheque with the stellar prize written on it. Seven members of his family were present at the special event in order to celebrate the winner.

Grand Celebration in Quebec City

The initial information issued on the subject was that the 22-year-old grocery shop worker is the sole winner of this record sum for the province of Quebec. The Crown corporation wrote something different on the winner’s cheque right before the group photo was taken. The entire Mathieu-Julien family is about to share the prize and have their dreams come true.

This includes individuals to the likes of Ursule Jolicoeur, Sandra Julien, Sonia Julien, Sylvie Julien, Denis Lessard, Derek Prevost, and Stephane Provost, constituting the extended family of Mr. Mathieu. They were excited to take a photo with the special cheque while also commemorating the great windfall. The young man worked at an IGA Extra grocery store located in Lévis up until now but the ticket itself was purchased in a rival IGA store.

The latter is now eligible for a 1-percent portion of the CA$70,000,000 prize bagged by the winner and his extended family. However, the winner was at work when he scanned the winning ticket and realized he is the winner of a record lottery jackpot not only for the region but for Quebec as well. He was emotional and shaking and wanted to take a leave for the day in order to process everything happening.

Plans for the Future

Mr. Mathieu said he could not believe his eyes when the display confirmed he is the winner of this jackpot. The fact that their family home was empty soon after that, was also confirmed by the winner, who pointed out that he and his family made their way to his grandparents in order to tell them the good news and take a break until Friday.

The winner himself was identified thanks to his coworkers. They issued the information both to the community and the Crown corporation, speeding up the process of identification and around the organization of the ceremony in Quebec City. Only days after the winning draw, the family had some plans in mind for the grand jackpot they are eligible for. Exotic destinations have been a topic of wide discussion even before the jackpot.

The family is a close community that is planning to go on several trips together and experience new things the world has in store. Sandra Julien, the mother of the winner, said that the family has been excited to become even more close-knit than before by this bonding experience. Mr. Mathieu wants to purchase a new car for himself, as his own automobile has been experiencing issues for quite a while.