Industry Reports

KPMG Returns to the Isle of Man to Celebrate eGaming Summit Anniversary

The 15th annual KPMG Summit, dedicated to the further development of the eGaming sector returns to the Isle of Man, welcoming industry-involved people at the luxurious Royal Hall at the Villa Marina in Douglas. The event is set to kick off on 6th September, celebrating its 7th anniversary. Over the years, the summits were held in Gibraltar and Isle of Man, where the latter played the role of a host of the first KPMG summit.

The event is dedicated to the latest tendency in the eGaming sector. Industry experts from around the globe will attend the event in order to share knowledge and experience with their colleagues. The main idea behind the summit is to discuss any possible improvements in the sector, so that the eGaming trade can continue to thrive. It was announced that some of the speakers include representatives of high-caliber companies such as Remote Gaming Association (RGA) Microgaming Systems, Tabcorp, Stars, and others.

Topics and Presentations to be Debated

An important topic to be placed on the table for discussion is the latest regulatory changes, which affect the trade. A pre-summit will also take place and the discussion is to be held by Isle of Man regulator, Steve Brennan, projecting the next moves of the regulatory bodies.

On Thursday, 7th September, the summit is to discuss some of the most important jurisdictions, including UK, Gibraltar, and Malta. A discussion on M&A Activity in the Gambling & Betting Sector is also attached to the schedule of the summit. Topics such as fairness of the game and the consumersā€™ needs will be covered by Jason Chess of Wiggin.

Another interesting and enlightening presentation will dwell on technology innovation initiatives presented by Lydia Barbara of Microgaming. The eSummit is to conclude with the ā€œIndustry Viewā€, presented by representatives of Microgaming, Tabcorp, Stars and Draftkings. Commenting on the upcoming event, KPMGā€™s Group Managing Director, Russell Kelly said that around 300 delegates are expected to attend the eSummit.

Aims and Objectives

This is the 15th KPMGā€™s eGaming Summit, dedicated to the improvement and development of the sector. The conference aims to bring all the industry-involved people at one place, updating the knowledge of the attendees on various important topics. Moreover, the summit is to feature workshops and masterclasses in the Broadway Cinema discussing topics such as regulation and tech innovations.

The eGaming industry marks a significant boom in the recent years and that is the reason why such conferences are of vital importance for its further development. Hence, 6th September seems to be an important day for the gaming sector and the people involved in it. A brief flashback on the KPMG eGaming Summits leads to Gibraltar, where KPMG held its last eSummit on March 23, 2017. it is yet to become clear when and where will be held the firts KPMG’s eGaming Summit for the next year.