Industry Reports

Ontario Place First Public Input Meeting Witnesses the Nostalgia Factor

Ontario Place continues being a hot topic for Torontonians and they had the chance to share their thoughts this Tuesday at a special City Hall meeting that sought their input. Individuals currently residing in the area stated that the introduction of casino venue to the waterfront area is not the most appropriate use of the 155-acre site. This is going to be the first of many regular meetings seeking ideas on Ontario Placeā€™s future.

The renovation project has been subjected to extensive discussions over the past several months and various opinions have been expressed in relation to its future operation. The community wants to see good use of the natural resources and the already attractive Lake Ontario. The entertainment and exhibition center area has the opportunity to undergo renovation and to witness the introduction of many new entertainment offerings. In order to gauge the public opinion and receive more ideas on the subject, the city will hold public meetings on a regular basis.

Casino Venue Has No Place, Says Community

The subcommittee on Ontario Place is willing to make peopleā€™s voice heard, as there have been concerns that officials might progress with their ideas without taking the community into account. Spadina-Fort York Coun. Joe Cressy stated that locals were worried that Ontario might have its own agenda that does not include the people. This is why interest in the gathering was more than impressive.

When all is said and done, the subcommittee will have the essential task to sum up the proposed projects and ideas and introduce them as a set of recommendations to provincial officials. They would have to consider them and prove that lawmakers listen to voters. The long-anticipated meeting commenced at 5:30 p.m. and people were encouraged to share their position on the subject of how Ontario Place could become a better area for spare time activities.

Various family-friendly offerings and open-air projects should be featured in the renovated area, as the original purpose of Ontario Place was for it to diversify peopleā€™s lives and be attractive to anyone. A casino venue located at such a heated hotspot of culture and family-friendly activities could pump up the problem gambling rates across Ontario.

More Meetings Set to Come

Among the proposed ideas was the renovation of the iconic Cinesphere Theatre, which should remain part of the area according to the majority of the Toronto citizens. It has been associated with Ontario Place and its preservation is essential. Max Beck, former General Manager of Ontario Place stated that people chiming in should think bigger and bolder when it comes to the are and what could be done in relation to it.

Some 36 individuals had signed up for participation in this first meeting, but some of them could not make it at the end of the day. Many of those who showed up stated that the location evokes nostalgia and they would like it to remain gambling-free area able to attract families and children. Something that concerns the subcommittee is that the proposals are done without any specific criteria which leaves room for interpretation.