Poker News

Daniel Hope Claims First Prize in 2017 Sydney Championships Bounty Event

The regular poker player Daniel Hope finally managed to strike it big in the annual Sydney Championships, winning the Bounty Event, which crowned him a champion and boosted his bankroll with $23,610 prize money, scooping $900 more for the ellimination bounties, which he managed to collect throughout the event.

Daniel Hope appeared to be a well-known name in the 2017 Sydney Championships, as he did not miss even a single event. Unfortunately, Hope could not seal a victory, but that was only until yesterday, 6th August, when the player managed to top a field of 236 entrants and scoop a money prize of $23,610 and $900 more extra for the bounties, which he collected. In fact, the name of the event is not a random one, as it offered a prize of $100 to every player, who managed to eliminate an opponent. This inspired some players to adopt a more aggressive strategy, including Hope, who managed to eliminate 9 opponents.

Ironically enough, it seems that to win the last event is within Hope’s speciality. It was in May, when the player managed to seal another victory again from the last event of the Crown Poker Championship in Melbourne. Nevertheless, it seems that the player’s current victory in 2017 Sydney Championships Bounty Event is more significant, as the player managed to outlast a packed field of 236.

The three-handed battle welcomed Daniel Hope, Nebojsa Blanusa and Aaron Blanch, who was a close shave to enter the heads-up battle, but he was eliminated in 3rd place by Daniel Hope. Blanch left the poker table with a cash prize of $10,616 and compliments as he demonstrated an immaculate strategy throughout the game. Even though the poker heavyweight could not make it to the final round, he seemed encouraged to steam ahead in his poker career.

By the time cards were thrown in the air for the decisive heads-up duel, it was Nebojsa Blanusa who were holding the commanding stack of chips over his opponent Daniel Hope. Nevertheless, Hope managed to grind a considerable portion of his opponent’s stack of chips and emerge as the chip lead.

0n what turned out to be the final hand in play, Hope was holding [Ac][10d] against Blanusa’s [4c][2d]. The dealer turned [3h][8d][Qh][Kh][5d] on the table, which did not change the course of the game in any way, as Hope derailed his heads-up opponent Blanusa with Ace high, which he was already holding before the flop came. Nebojsa Blanusa did not come back home empty-handed as he boosted his bankroll with $14,586 for his runner-up finish in the event.

The $550 buy-in tournament attracted many players to give it a shot. That is not a surprise, having in mind the big money action and the additional bonuses, which it offered to the players.